Vol. 11 No. 14 (2020): Mouro 14

					View Vol. 11 No. 14 (2020): Mouro 14

Mouro reaches its number 14 with the first change of its Editorial Commission. The magazine went through a rare period in Brazilian history. Never before has this country gone so quickly from a moment of international prestige, economic rise and improvement in income to another unclassifiable one: loss of rights, recession, unemployment and, fundamentally, hopelessness. But neither, and on the other hand, had a political organization with the dimensions and roots of the Workers' Party ever existed in Brazil. This fact should not be ignored.
For Mouro, it should be said, the blow was not a bolt of lightning in a blue sky. We drew attention much earlier to lawfare, to economic policy errors, the absence of a military policy, the dangers of fascism and even to the repressive madness of PT governments.
However, for many it was unimaginable that a neo-fascist ruler would reach the presidency of the Republic. It was inconceivable that the sewage of social networks, middle-class foul language and militia practices were installed in the Planalto Palace.
The dominant “philosophy”, produced by a fake astrologer, became the ultimate expression of the power of narco-Pentecostalism. And all of this was normalized, albeit with some shame, by the bourgeois press. Who could accept the idea that the elite bow to the rabble and sacrifice their political dominance in the name of their economic salvation? How was it possible?
We didn't know everything, but some historical knowledge allowed us to print in our pages Marighella's denunciation that our democracy is rationed and only exists as an interregnum between dictatorships. In 2016, once again the anti-national bourgeoisie sacrificed democracy on the altar of its profits.
Eppur si muove! The magazine, despite everything, weathered the storm and now dares to bring a dossier on the centenary of the Communist International (1919-2019), as well as reviews and articles by scholars, academic or not, of notable intellectual value, who discuss themes of great importance for the struggles of yesterday and today. So do the interviews arranged in this issue 14. And as it could never fail to be, we will see in the following pages a large volume of artistic works, Mouro's trademark, which, in their various expressions, debate and fight, reflect and they meditate, amaze and encourage while “imaginative transfiguration of the real”, as Edgard Carone said. The reader will find here, therefore, discussions on theoretical problems and historical dilemmas that will help to reflect on our constant struggle for socialism.
Part of the small team that produced the Mouro magazine here says goodbye and passes the baton to those who arrive with more energy, new themes, new approaches and many hopes. The work, not the affection, ends. Near or far, we are always together.

Published: 13-04-2020
